Are Christians Always to Obey the Government?

Yesterday, my wife and I listened to our pastor pontificate on Ephesians 5:21-33 and for good measure, threw in comments about Romans 13. We’ve attended and been members of this church for about 5 years now. I’ve taught adult Sunday school classes for the past several years as well. We’ve been involved in AWANA and … Read more

God’s Coming Great Reset, Pt 4

Trusting the Plan of The Ashtar Command I briefly mentioned The Ashtar Command (TAC) in an article post back in January 21. I wanted to expand on that within this series, God’s Coming Great Reset. TAC can be downloaded here. TAC has a direct connection to New Agism because of its Gnostic origins. The 136-page … Read more

God’s Coming Great Reset, Pt 2

Last time, we discussed the fact that technocrat globalists are doing whatever they can to bring the world together in one globalized government, God allows it because it will ultimately bring Him tremendous glory. The technocracy that is being built by technocrats will create the final one-world empire first highlighted in Daniel 2. Today’s technology … Read more

CV-19: It Just Keeps Getting Better!

As fortune continues to smile on China Joe, we are now being told that the dreaded and mysterious COVID-19 has now peaked! Isn’t that just swell? I don’t know about you, but I’m just chuffed about the whole thing! In my previous article (News and Notes: January 21, 2021), I talked briefly about CV-19 and … Read more

News and Notes: January 21, 2021

Q is Gone For the past four years, we have been told that we were watching a “movie.” We were made to believe that the “Deep State” was being dismantled and that it would take time to do so. We were told to “trust” a bunch of people that seemed completely inept and disingenuous in … Read more

It’s Past Time

Communism Has Arrived Tomorrow is the inauguration of Joe Biden. While I realize that many patriots and conservatives continue to believe that something will occur to keep that from happening (arrests, etc.), it is best to understand that will likely not occur. Communism has arrived to the USA as predicted years ago. If we consider … Read more

While Satan Builds His Final Kingdom

(Reposted with permission from Daniel 2 outlines the 4 or 5 (depending upon how they are viewed), Gentile kingdoms that lead up to Jesus’ physical return and the setting up of His physical Kingdom where He will physically rule for 1,000 years. Possession, it has been said, is 9/10s of the law. Jesus will … Read more

News and Notes Update: Dec 2, 2020

Wow, the year is almost gone! How did that happen? It happened mainly because of the focus on CV-19 and all the fear that the mainstream media (MSM) and political leaders have been generating. Instead of simply being allowed to live our lives here in the USA as the Constitution grants/supports, society has been ultra-concerned … Read more

Every Mask Up? Latest Propaganda

Recently, in a few minutes of down time, I was playing Solitaire on my phone and since I have the free version, between each game a brief ad is shown. A new ad came up that I had not seen before called “Every Mask Up.” I’ve included screen grabs from the ad and as can … Read more

Technocracy: World Government

In our previous article in this series – Technocracy: Controlling Your Movements – we highlighted aspects of how the technocratic oligarchs plan on keeping us in line and in lockstep with their burgeoning one-world government. We noted that at least some of this will happen as The Commons Project rolls out its CommonPass, which will ultimately grant … Read more


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