Psychology in Public School: From John Dewey to Brock Chisholm

It is hard to describe what I am feeling. I watch the news, and the created perception that somehow Biden is going to be held accountable for having classified documents in his possession, and all I can think is that we are somehow being mocked. Our media masters, after all, have admitted to us in … Read more

Operant Conditioning and the Purpose of Public Schooling

  This year started with a bang. The nation was treated to yet another circus sideshow which was portrayed as a vote for the new house speaker. The joke was truly on us as twenty republicans were shown holding out in a fight against McCarthy becoming speaker, only in the end, to see him win … Read more

Gaining Compliance: Understanding the Dynamics of the Fear-Then-Relief Principle

“Devising an effective fear appeal is to some extent an art, but it is an art that requires a scientist’s appreciation of the intricacies of human behavior. (Perloff, Dynamics of Persuasion, p. 394) It isn’t often that I stare at a blank screen, not knowing how to start an article. Many writers speak of something … Read more

Keeping Us Exposed to Chaos: Media and the Psychopolitical Agenda

“By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last, a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last … Read more

Chinese Thought Reform and Modern Television Programming

Any American who is aware of the nation’s extenuating circumstances can see the blatant leftist propaganda on display in almost any television show. It started in a very innocent, humorous manner, with shows like Everybody Loves Raymond. The main male character, Ray, looks like an idiot in almost everything he does. Did you ever stop … Read more

Mass Formation Psychosis or GroupThink? Examining the Behavior of Groups in the Context of Covid-19

A new term is gaining popularity. One that is being used to explain the mentality of fear that has taken hold of the public and is driving a false belief that we must surrender our liberties to save ourselves. Interestingly, the term itself was haphazardly thrown out there by the so-called inventor of the mRNA … Read more

Fixing Education: The Deeply Embedded Problem of Behavioral Modification Techniques

Americans are awakening to a disturbing reality. The public-school systems which they have trusted to educate their children are nothing more than behavioral modification centers designed to condition their minds for global government. While parents are rightly standing against this indoctrination into liberalism, many attribute it to either the current administration or Obama’s Common Core … Read more

Skinner’s View on Behavior and Critical Race Theory: Achievement and Merit as Social Constructs

I learned a lot about left-wing thinking, and the ideas driving topics like Critical Race Theory as a student in an undergraduate Social Work program. The first semester was deemed the pre-social work semester. This is where the professors weed out those students who don’t share in the field’s ideological underpinnings, like social justice and … Read more

Fear-Based Persuasion, Propaganda, and an Invasion from Mars

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that the government and mainstream media can work together to produce effective persuasive messaging. Millions of Americans, acting with a misguided sense of trust, followed the advice of mainstream news personalities and allowed the fear of Covid-19 to control their behavior. Without doing any thorough research of their own, Americans … Read more

A Science of Behavior and a Quest for Control

Many of the luxuries and comforts we enjoy today are due to the advances made in the realm of science. Every day we benefit from technology that we could no longer function effectively without. A one-day loss of internet communications, for example, could potentially put a wrench in society for weeks to come. Because of … Read more


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