In Defense of our Nation

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Persuading Employees into Vaccine Compliance

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A few months ago, when it was becoming obvious that Covid-19 propaganda wasn’t going away after a couple weeks of flattening the curve, the New England Journal of Medicine published Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. The recommendation in this article is that employers be able to either mandate or, offer incentives to employees to get the Covid-19 vaccine. The incentives could be in the form of punishments such as loss of pay or suspensions. The reasoning for this was based on the knowledge that forcing the vaccine onto society through means of law was unconstitutional and unlikely to work. The journal also cited the fact that forcing families to get their children vaccinated before going to school was an effective means of ensuring they received their required vaccinations. It stood to reason then, as far as the journal was concerned, that enlisting employers as a means of ensuring vaccine uptake would be an effective route.


News and Notes Update: Dec 2, 2020

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Aside from CV-19, here we are with alleged voter fraud in swing states. One thing seems certain – the Left and RINOs want to push on and certify election results even though many in the public sphere are opposed to it with ongoing legal suits going through the courts, witness testimonies of voter fraud and more.
Posted: Dec 2, 2020

The Problematic Science Defining Child Abuse Sexual Abuse and the Normalization of Pedophilia

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The normalization of pedophilia is being pushed to the forefront of the American consciousness. Our schools are introducing children to sexually explicit education at earlier ages and television programing is taking the issue to new horizons with shows like the Netflix production of “Cuties.” People have argued for years that the normalization of homosexuality and legalization of gay marriage would be the catalyst for such a movement. The acceptance of these alternative lifestyles was introduced incrementally through subtle suggestions, and the portrayal of gay people as being righteous and upstanding while those opposed, bigoted and hateful. The same tactics are being used concerning pedophilia. The term, “minor attracted person” is being used to take away the negative connotations of sexual abuse and pedophilia. Disturbingly, the issue is being studied from a social science perspective, and academic journals are publishing findings which no doubt, are contributing to the movements claims that pedophilia is a normal sexual orientation. One such article is entitled “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples.”
Posted: Nov 28, 2020

Effort Justification and Mask Mandates: The Science Behind Virtue Signaling

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America continues to march in lock step with the COVID-19 agenda as they have yet to throw off their masks and demand an end to the insidiousness of mask mandates and forced lockdowns. While there is a growing segment of the population who refuse to comply, most people, no doubt influenced by the constant fear messaging coming from the media, continue to go along. A recent study in Denmark proved that the forced wearing of masks made no statistical difference ̶ ̶ within the margin of error ̶̶ ̶ of whether people will become infected or not.
Posted: Nov 28 2020

Every Mask Up? Latest Propaganda

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So, the science supposedly has not changed and lo and behold, masks slow the spread of COVID-19…according to the group behind this ad. The problem? There is no proof that masks slow the spread. In fact, as I’ve noted previously, some within the healthcare profession are speaking out against the use of masks for everyone at all time.
Posted: Nov 27, 2020

Technocracy: World Government

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These are the things that the oligarchs, their agents and families seek. This is why “climate change” is pushed so hard to us today in spite of the many scientists who have come out against the fallacy of climate change. But we are supposed to be concerned about the resources that are allegedly being used up by so many people on the earth. We are supposed to be fearful of a disease that has a 99%+ survival rate, so one mandate after another is kept alive and pushed onto we, the people of the world.
Posted: Nov 25, 2020

Technocracy: Controlling Your Movements

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Remember, technocracy relies on the subject of “climate change” that causes fear in people so that we will want to use less energy. In fact, everything the technocrats do is fear-based because they know that fear is a tremendous motivator. People who fear want to be released from that fear and because of that, they are willing to do whatever it takes to experience that release and once again be able to embrace “safety.”
Posted: Nov 24, 2020

Nudged into passive compliance

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Americans understand arguments over social issues depending on the way they are framed by the media, or government officials. According to Cass Sunstein, author of the book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, framing arguments work because people are mindless and passive in their decision making. By framing arguments in terms controlled within a certain “this or that” paradigm, people are forced to make choices within that paradigm. The parameters of the argument are set for them, controlled by what Sunstein refers to as a choice architect. A perfect example is the development of the Covid 19 vaccine.
Posted: Nov 23, 2020

News and Notes Update: November 19, 2020

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Dr. Yeadon further noted, “Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened. Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season…but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.”
Posted: Nov 19, 2020

Destroying God in the Minds of Men

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One of the long, sought after goals of Marxism is to break man of his belief in a higher power; to separate his soul from God if you will. This is admitted by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, and later by Vladimir Lenin when he said that Catholicism was the greatest threat to world Communism. Communism depends on the idea that people will accept subservience to the state, and that government should be in control of all aspects of society.
Posted: Nov 18, 2020

The face mask study of 2014 and the Health Belief Model: Understanding how science views us

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Behaviorists like B.F. Skinner have stated, and this writer has noted this several times, that any study of our behavior should be done from an evolutionary perspective. This means that the study of human behavior should always be done from the perspective that man has no control over his own choices, and that it is only the environment that motivates our responses.
Posted: Nov 17, 2020

Georgia Recount?

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Allegedly, according to Wood, the recount is happening in GA, but they’re not taking the time to actually verify the integrity of each vote. They’re simply recounting all the votes originally counted. If so, that’s not going to get to the bottom of potential voter fraud, will it? They’ll simply be counting the same ballots and arrive to the same conclusion.
Posted: Nov 16, 2020

The fallacy of putting our faith in the courts

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Americans are sitting on the edge of their seat, putting all of their hopes in the possibility that President Trump will not only pull through and win the election, but finally drain the swamp in light of all the obvious election fraud. The election fraud that is so blatantly obvious I might add, it is almost like they wanted you to see it.
Posted Nov 15, 2020

Employer Mandated Vaccines Coming?

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An irrational fear is still gripping the American public. Cities across the country increasingly continue to enforce mask mandates despite the admitted low fatality rate of .26%. City governments are not the only enforcers of these unconstitutional dictates.
Posted: Nov 14, 2020

Deconstructing White Privilege and Exposing the Left’s Racist Attitudes

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In 2010 I was a student in Oklahoma’s Northeastern State University social work program. The first semester was known as the pre-social work semester, and the intent was to root out students who were not ideologically aligned with the profession.
Posted: Nov 14, 2020