Digital Mass Persuasion and the Public Health Crisis Gun Control Frame

It seems like an eternity since I have written anything. A sullen realization tends to sink in when you realize how far-reaching social media censorship goes and how algorithms have taken control of everything. Someday, the American people will see that they have become their own slave masters to a system that feeds them exactly … Read more

Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue: Understanding Thematic Framing and how Conservative focus on Mental Health Contributes to the Problem

  Gun owners have their work cut out for them. Despite recent Supreme Court rulings that seem to tip the balance in our favor, the push for gun control is relentless and is alarmingly taking on a more aggressive demeanor. Hints at all-out confiscation are being heard as freedom, according to our so-called vice president, … Read more

Analyzing the Conspiracy: Aliens, The Second Amendment and REX84 Internment Camps

This morning I decided to take a break from the usual and return to my roots. Good old conspiracy theories. I tried to bring a little entertainment to this while also addressing the reality of disinformation, and the fact that there is always some level of truth to a conspiracy theory. Enjoy.    The past … Read more

Critical Race Research Methods: Looking for Racism Among White Gun Owners

The second amendment appears to be winning some major victories after the New York State Pistol and Rifle Association v. Bruen Supreme Court case. The court decided that any restrictions against gun rights must be viewed from the traditional and historical understanding of the amendment when it was written and that a two-step approach to … Read more

Sometimes, People Are Not Who We Think They Are

When President Trump appointed Justices Amy Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, conservatives were sure they had new allies in the battle against abortion. Liberals acted as if these nominations represented a significant threat to Roe v. Wade. There were some obvious warning signs this wasn’t the case. For instance, Kavanaugh, while the … Read more

Framing Narratives and Inducing Compliance Using Moral Foundations Theory

If Americans could comprehend the amount of research that goes into media messaging, and how to frame an issue to affect attitude change, they would forever shut off their televisions. For the political elite, America’s culture of free choice presents a problem, one they see as standing in the way of their grand vision of … Read more

The Capital riots and the FBI infiltration of patriot groups

The U.S. government continues to insist that white supremacy and the patriot movement are the biggest threats facing the nation. This is despite the growing violence from groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Documents such as Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, portray anyone of a right-wing leaning who … Read more

To resist tyranny, you must recognize the propaganda

President Biden recently announced his executive actions on gun control. While they may not appear to have any substantial effects to the casual observer, the stage is being set to turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals. Many of the actions taken by Biden, and the previous administration no less, violate the constitution’s ex post facto … Read more

The Hypocrisy of Addressing Gun Violence as a Public Health Crisis

President Biden is considering the idea of declaring gun violence a public health emergency. This would be a convenient excuse to ram through many gun control proposals that, as of right now, do not appear likely to pass in the senate. Viewing gun violence as a public health crisis is not Biden’s idea, nor is … Read more

Examining the Realities of MK Ultra Brainwashing, and the Second Amendment

Right on cue, a shooting occurred just as congress is debating the most extensive gun control legislation in recent history. This seems to be a reoccurring theme as mass shootings happen either when gun legislation is about to pass, or there is some other scandal that the people need to be diverted from. The conspiratorial … Read more


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