Examining the Realities of MK Ultra Brainwashing, and the Second Amendment

Right on cue, a shooting occurred just as congress is debating the most extensive gun control legislation in recent history. This seems to be a reoccurring theme as mass shootings happen either when gun legislation is about to pass, or there is some other scandal that the people need to be diverted from. The conspiratorial … Read more

Contradictions to Make Us Servile

The reality appears to be that we, the people, have been thoroughly had and many of us realized that from the start. It all began with a “pandemic” that was actually designed to destroy our freedoms and therefore, the USA as we know it, not to “keep us safe.” Whenever the government says that, we … Read more

Trump Now Defines the Republican Party

Donald Trump is being described as the leader of the Republican party and many people are hoping he runs again in 2024. Trumpism now defines the terms of conservatism, which is concerning in several ways. Many of Trump’s policies are not what they seem. They stealthily advanced a leftist agenda while being sold off as … Read more

Are Christians Always to Obey the Government?

Yesterday, my wife and I listened to our pastor pontificate on Ephesians 5:21-33 and for good measure, threw in comments about Romans 13. We’ve attended and been members of this church for about 5 years now. I’ve taught adult Sunday school classes for the past several years as well. We’ve been involved in AWANA and … Read more

The Consequences of Compliance

Barack Obama’s mouthpiece, Joe Biden, made his move against the second amendment by calling for a ban on assault weapons, universal background checks, magazine bans, and other measures which can be found in HR 127.  While everyone knew that creepy Joe would come after our guns, many people fail to realize the precedent that has … Read more

God’s Coming Great Reset, Pt 2

Last time, we discussed the fact that technocrat globalists are doing whatever they can to bring the world together in one globalized government, God allows it because it will ultimately bring Him tremendous glory. The technocracy that is being built by technocrats will create the final one-world empire first highlighted in Daniel 2. Today’s technology … Read more

An ideological purge of the military coming, again?

The Biden administration has already been dubbed the most radical in American history. Barely in office for three weeks, Biden has issued nearly fifty executive orders, which shows he intends to rule by fiat opposed to governing by the constitution. Newly confirmed Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin, has just taken a radical move to eliminate extremism … Read more

The Subjective Nature of Mental Illness as a Form of Gun Control

Once again, the second amendment is under an all-out assault by the left. H.R. 127 -would among other things -require a mental health screening before purchasing a firearm. This has been in the works for some time, and in many instances, coercive mental health laws are already being used as a means of confiscating legally … Read more


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