Technocracy: Controlling Your Movements

In my previous article in this series, we discussed how it appears that “science” wants to control the God Gene. By this, what they mean is that they want to disconnect people from their ability to inquire about God and to even seek Him and the salvation He offers. If they become successful at this, … Read more

“Nudged” into passive compliance

Americans understand arguments over social issues depending on the way they are framed by the media, or government officials. According to Cass Sunstein, author of the book Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, framing arguments work because people are mindless and passive in their decision making. By framing arguments in terms controlled within … Read more

News and Notes Update: November 19, 2020

A few things to bring to your attention this morning, things you should be aware of so that you can make informed decisions. Astra-Zeneca CV-19 Vax I was attempting to include a short video (just over 5 minutes) that I’d like everyone to watch. It details the ingredients in the soon coming CV-19 vax produced … Read more

Destroying God in the Minds of Men

One of the long, sought-after goals of Marxism is to break man of his belief in a higher power; to separate his soul from God if you will. This is admitted by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto, and later by Vladimir Lenin when he said that Catholicism was the greatest threat to world Communism. … Read more

The face mask study of 2014 and the Health Belief Model: Understanding how science views us

Can people freely choose their behavior? Or, are we controlled by environmental circumstances which can be traced to our so-called, evolutionary past? This is the debate that seems to be dominating society, whether we realize it or not. God vs. science if you will. Certainly, human behavior can be influenced by many factors, including the … Read more

Georgia Recount?

I heard rumblings about Gov. Kemp’s potential RINOism awhile ago, but the first thing that got my attention was when he ignored Trump’s recommendation to choose Doug Collins to fill an empty Senate position and went with Kelly Loeffler instead. To be frank, I’m not 100% in Trump’s camp and in fact, I find some … Read more

Deconstructing White Privilege and Exposing the Left’s Racist Attitudes

In 2010 I was a student in Oklahoma’s Northeastern State University social work program. The first semester was known as the pre-social work semester, and the intent was to root out students who were not ideologically aligned with the profession. The class was asked to write a position paper on Peggy McIntosh’s essay White Male, White Privilege. Upon completion … Read more

Trump vs. Cuomo: A carefully constructed narrative designed to reinforce support for Covid vaccine

There is an interesting thing happening amidst the election turmoil that, in my opinion, shows exactly how the elite control the narrative and guide our thinking. Many people believed that the election would mark the end of the so-called Covid 19 pandemic. This is despite Donald Trump initiating operation warp speed to develop a vaccine. The Trump administration has, no matter what people … Read more

Employer Mandated Vaccines Coming?

Will employers be used to force vaccine mandates? An irrational fear is still gripping the American public. Cities across the country increasingly continue to enforce mask mandates despite the admitted low fatality rate of .26%. City governments are not the only enforcers of these unconstitutional dictates. Local businesses, as well as national chain stores are also requiring … Read more