The Subjective Nature of Mental Illness as a Form of Gun Control

Once again, the second amendment is under an all-out assault by the left. H.R. 127 -would among other things -require a mental health screening before purchasing a firearm. This has been in the works for some time, and in many instances, coercive mental health laws are already being used as a means of confiscating legally … Read more

Gun Control and the Democrats’ Darwinist Morality

With only a few days remaining until Joe (Kamala Harris’s) Biden’s inauguration, American’s are keenly aware of the uphill battle we face concerning gun rights. Numerous anti-second amendment bills have been pre-filed and will likely be brought to the floor within days of Biden assuming office. Gun sales are through the roof with millions buying … Read more

Darwinism, Gun Control and Abortion: A Loss of Value for Human Life

Americans have traditionally viewed themselves as a moral and Christian people. Most Americans, officially identifying with the Christian religion, believe that there exists an absolute morality. A standard of universal truth set by God that defines what is right and wrong and how we are supposed to behave. Freedom after all, as mentioned in Religion, … Read more


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