Consequences of man’s own reasoning: A Godless science

Never has it been so important to understand man’s mental processes and his reactions to fear and political persuasion. Covid-19, the emerging Delta variant, the vaccine, lockdowns, Critical Race Theory, mob violence, and the labeling of all opposed to big government as extremists, are all examples of political coercion meant to guide the public consciousness … Read more

Critical theory as a psychoanalytical approach to the social pathology of racism

One thing I have tried to accomplish through writing is bringing awareness to the reality that there is truth to what many people consider discredited conspiracy theory. For example, a book I refer to often, Brainwashing: A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, (Chapter 2, p. 8) has been disregarded as an illegitimate source, … Read more

To resist tyranny, you must recognize the propaganda

President Biden recently announced his executive actions on gun control. While they may not appear to have any substantial effects to the casual observer, the stage is being set to turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals. Many of the actions taken by Biden, and the previous administration no less, violate the constitution’s ex post facto … Read more

Picking up Where Marxism Failed: Hegemony, Counter Hegemony and Gramsci’s War of Position.

I believe any serious attempt to fight the illogic of the left, requires a thorough understanding of their worldview and its origins. It is easy to say that the Democrats are pushing a Marxist strategy, and the intense focus on race and white supremacy, for example, attempt to divide and conquer, if you will. Marxism … Read more

Methodologies of Critical Race Theory Part Two: Racist Mathematics

In my last article, I discussed some methods being used to examine education through a Critical Race Theory perspective. Critical multicultural analysis and critical contextual analysis are research models used to examine power relationships and the ways dominant cultures allegedly, oppress minorities. These concepts are applied to mathematics as well. Math education has been viewed … Read more

Are Christians Always to Obey the Government?

Yesterday, my wife and I listened to our pastor pontificate on Ephesians 5:21-33 and for good measure, threw in comments about Romans 13. We’ve attended and been members of this church for about 5 years now. I’ve taught adult Sunday school classes for the past several years as well. We’ve been involved in AWANA and … Read more

Understanding the Deeper Methodologies Driving White Privilege Education.

I started writing because of my experience in social work education. During the first semester, my professor flat out stated I was not fit for the profession because I opposed concepts like social justice and white privilege. They taught us America was a nation of systemic racism where white people have privileges that minorities do … Read more


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