Racial Realism and the Perpetrator Perspective: Understanding the Tenets Driving Critical Race Theory

  President Biden recently remarked on his latest move to forgive student loan debt. These remarks show the real racist attitudes that America contends with every day. Racist attitudes that show where the real racism is. The heart of the Democrat party. Biden stated that student debt burdened Black and Hispanic students more because they … Read more

Commitment to Social Justice: The Bias Guiding CRT Research

The following is a sneak peek into the first few pages of Chapter 3 of my book on Critical Race Theory. CRT scholarship, like many other fields of the social sciences, is heavily biased and starts from a preconceived notion that racism exists everywhere. As I show in the following piece, social justice researchers deliberately … Read more

Gaining Compliance: Understanding the Dynamics of the Fear-Then-Relief Principle

“Devising an effective fear appeal is to some extent an art, but it is an art that requires a scientist’s appreciation of the intricacies of human behavior. (Perloff, Dynamics of Persuasion, p. 394) It isn’t often that I stare at a blank screen, not knowing how to start an article. Many writers speak of something … Read more

Chinese Thought Reform and Modern Television Programming

Any American who is aware of the nation’s extenuating circumstances can see the blatant leftist propaganda on display in almost any television show. It started in a very innocent, humorous manner, with shows like Everybody Loves Raymond. The main male character, Ray, looks like an idiot in almost everything he does. Did you ever stop … Read more

Ramifications of Political Coercion: Accepting The Uncomfortable Truth

What type of future does America face? Are we winning the struggle to restore our founding principles and system of constitutional governance? Are we even fighting in the right arena, or are we too distracted to pay attention to what is happening where it matters? In my last article, I discussed the ideas of ideological … Read more

Skinner’s View on Behavior and Critical Race Theory: Achievement and Merit as Social Constructs

I learned a lot about left-wing thinking, and the ideas driving topics like Critical Race Theory as a student in an undergraduate Social Work program. The first semester was deemed the pre-social work semester. This is where the professors weed out those students who don’t share in the field’s ideological underpinnings, like social justice and … Read more

Marxism, Perceptions of Racism, and Storytelling as a Tenet of CRT

Millions of Americans are living with a misguided sense of resentment, a desire to see the country crash and burn because of what the public schools are teaching. America is a nation founded on slavery and racism, and its institutions are designed to perpetuate white supremacy. They are carrying the perception that everyone is racist, … Read more

Analyzing the Basic Tenets of Critical Race Scholarship: Identifying America’s Real Racists

According to LSU President William Tate, author of the much-acclaimed Toward a Critical Race Theory in Education, CRT is not something to be taught to the undergraduate student. It is a “framework used in law school and in PhD’s education to better understand how laws are formulated and the influence of law on everyday life.” … Read more

Critical Race Theory as a theoretical model for solving social problems

The nation’s attention has been drawn front and center to the use of Critical Race Theory in the classroom. Stories of schools portraying all white people and American institutions as racist, make the headline news on a daily basis. The latest, from Pennsylvania State University, involves a professor telling a student he’s oppressing someone because … Read more

Critical race theory is the social construct

The stage is being set for an epic battle over the role of Critical Race Theory in education as more states continue to ban its use, and teachers vow to continue teaching it. To what extent do teachers even understand what they are teaching? Critical Race Theory, when thoroughly examined, presents itself as an ideology … Read more


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