The Great Reset: A Pre-Planned Solution to an Anticipated Crisis

In part one of this series, I attempted to outline some important agenda items that may take shape over the next few years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum and author of COVID 19: The Great Reset, has stated several times that the crisis presents the opportunity to … Read more

Reviewing The Great Reset: Part One

After nineteen months of continuous propaganda concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, most Americans have now heard the term The Great Reset. For some, these words ring a bell as it is apparent to them the entire agenda revolves around installing the dreaded New World Order. For others, the phrase conjures up images of the whacked-out conspiracy … Read more

News and Notes Update: January 28, 2021

It’s too bad there’s so much going on in the world because it is not only hard to keep up but I’m unable to spend the amount of time I’d like really researching things. Suffice it to say that things are clearly ramping up throughout the world and deliberately moving us toward the final one-world … Read more

World’s Food Supply and Blockchain

I’m sure you’ve noticed when you go into stores that there are often huge empty spots on many shelves and I’m not simply talking about a shortage of paper towels and toilet paper. My wife and I are seeing empty spaces of canned goods and empty areas of meats and other foods that we have … Read more


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