Robust Skepticism: Understanding Propaganda and Persuasion

It has been a couple of weeks since I have written anything. I needed some time to sit back and reflect on what impact, if any, my writing was having on readers. Writing is just like anything else. People want to feel as if there is a payoff in their efforts. My writing has generally … Read more

The Use of Entertainment and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion in Education

  “At this very moment in our country, an elaborate research project into motivation is going on, whose object is to find out why and what the buyer likes to buy. What makes him tick? The aim is to bypass the resistance barriers to the buying public.” (Meerloo, 1956, p. 67) Americans are rapidly awakening … Read more

Pandemic Amnesty my Rear-End: A Review of Covid Messaging and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion

    Americans are still suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Supply Chain is broken, inflation is out of control, businesses were destroyed, children are behind in school, millions either lost their jobs or were forced to get vaccinated, and most tragically, many Americans still believe it was real. While people are trying … Read more

Controlling Public Perception: Understanding the Nature of Mass Media and Propaganda

I have long believed Americans need to shut off the mass media and pay close attention to what it is science has learned about the mind. Too many people, despite the obvious efforts of the media to propagandize us, still cling to their chosen brand of news as a reliable source of information. They don’t … Read more

Catchphrases, Cliches and Slogans: Guiding our Thoughts and Opinions Using Reflexive Theory

Is America being split along ideological and political lines, or are people allowing themselves to be divided by clever propagandists who know our habits, attitudes, and beliefs? The political elite is without a doubt, employing the divide-and-conquer strategy, as social issues which have traditionally defined American values are presented as problematic, and a hindrance to … Read more

Attitude Change through Political Persuasion is the Goal of all Propaganda

Americans have some tough choices ahead of them. They can either accept the responsibility of self-governance or continue to be propagandized by a false two-party system that seems intent on driving the nation into eternal damnation. The common perception driving most people’s beliefs is that there is a left and right-wing party representing conservative and … Read more

Keeping Us Exposed to Chaos: Media and the Psychopolitical Agenda

“By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last, a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last … Read more

Chinese Thought Reform and Modern Television Programming

Any American who is aware of the nation’s extenuating circumstances can see the blatant leftist propaganda on display in almost any television show. It started in a very innocent, humorous manner, with shows like Everybody Loves Raymond. The main male character, Ray, looks like an idiot in almost everything he does. Did you ever stop … Read more

Ramifications of Political Coercion: Accepting The Uncomfortable Truth

What type of future does America face? Are we winning the struggle to restore our founding principles and system of constitutional governance? Are we even fighting in the right arena, or are we too distracted to pay attention to what is happening where it matters? In my last article, I discussed the ideas of ideological … Read more

Exploring the Concepts and Realities of Ideological Subversion

I was in my local grocery store the other day. It was earlier in the morning than when I usually go. I have been at home all week recovering from carpal tunnel surgery and this was the first time I had been out since. Even though the site has long become a familiar one, we … Read more


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