Pandemic Amnesty my Rear-End: A Review of Covid Messaging and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion

    Americans are still suffering the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Supply Chain is broken, inflation is out of control, businesses were destroyed, children are behind in school, millions either lost their jobs or were forced to get vaccinated, and most tragically, many Americans still believe it was real. While people are trying … Read more

Pfizer Admits the Vaccine Was Not Tested Against Virus Transmission: A Review of Covid-19 Propaganda

It has been a long time since I have written anything about Covid-19. There had reached a point, after diving into the psychology behind the Covid propaganda, that I had to let it go. I decided I was no longer going to give it any credibility by writing about it. It was something I was … Read more

Covid-19 and the Raping of America’s Mind

Americans are living in a warped reality, one that has changed their perception of everything that was ever considered normal. Their minds are trapped in a controlled narrative depicting a life-ending pandemic, despite revelations from its inception that it was never as severe as portrayed. Every year, thousands of people die from seasonal flu alone. … Read more

Examining the Problems of the Supreme Court Rulings on the Vaccine Mandate

On January 13th, the Supreme Court blocked President Biden’s executive order directing OSHA to implement mandatory vaccine policies for employers with more than one hundred workers. While this seems like a victory for freedom-loving Americans, the question pertaining to the merits the case was tried on, is a little sketchy. The issue didn’t revolve around … Read more


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