Trump’s Executive Order on Guns and the Questions that Aren’t Being Asked

This past weekend, President Trump made a monumental move by signing an executive order directing the Attorney General to review all unconstitutional actions President Biden took against the Second Amendment. While groups such as Gun Owners of America and the National Association of Gun Rights are hailing this as a great move in the struggle … Read more

Participatory Propaganda: Solidifying Perceptions Through the Willing Propagation of False Narratives

This past week, Americans witnessed the confirmation hearing of Trump’s pick for Attorney General, Pam Bondi. This has been an eye-opener for many, as Bondi supports red flag laws and other gun control measures that conservatives oppose. The perception is that Trump is as pro-gun as one can be, and many Second Amendment advocates claim … Read more

While SCOTUS Twiddles its Thumbs, People’s Rights Continue to be Denied

The gun rights movement has been optimistic since the Supreme Court issued its 2022 NYSRPA v. Bruen ruling. This case shot down the state of New York’s “may issue” concealed carry licensing laws that enabled the government to decide who was fit to exercise their Second Amendment rights. The case also struck a blow to … Read more

Understanding Participatory Propaganda: Scientific Control of Information, and Misguided Perceptions of Reality

In my last article, I discussed participatory propaganda, which refers to the public’s active participation in spreading what propagandists call — persuasive messaging. Persuasion, as an offshoot of propaganda, is a message meant to gain compliance or induce the targeted audience to accept the persuader’s point of view. Propaganda holds an identical definition. According to … Read more

Potential Opportunity or Agenda: Liberals as America’s Fastest Growing Group of Gun Owners

I have always believed that the Second Amendment would be the one thing that would unite all Americans. While the left attempts to create the perception that only red-necked white supremacists own guns, the truth is vastly different. Americans of all walks of life own firearms, and a recent article by the Wall Street Journal … Read more

Americans Should be Questioning Everything Instead of Following the Bouncing Ball

By utilizing the various elements of good propaganda, transmitting these messages through varied and useful outlets, and manipulating memory, when possible, one can take complete control over the ideas the target audience has in their minds ̶ ̶ the ideas upon which they make all their decisions, take all actions, and maintain all beliefs. By … Read more

The Purpose of Psychological Warfare is to Control Ideas and Beliefs

PSYOP – Psychological Operation. An operation meant to manage the ideas, emotions, and behaviors of the opposition. (Taillard, Psychology and Modern Warfare)  People tend to develop a version of reality based on the daily information their brains take in. We use our senses to collect data; from that data, we develop ideas and beliefs about … Read more


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