Freedom of Choice or Environmental Manipulation?

While pursuing my bachelor’s degree in social work, I took a class called positive psychology. At the time I was very excited as the study of the human mind was very interesting to me. I still find it fascinating, just not in the same way. I came to learn, over time, that psychology is a … Read more

Creating Good Little Communists Through Coercive Persuasion

Early on in my writing adventures, shortly after my experience in Social Work education, I focused a great deal on two specific topics. Psychopolitics, and the forty-five goals of the communist party. The former is generally referred to as a way of maintaining coercive control over the thoughts and loyalties of the masses. The book … Read more

Effort Justification and Mask Mandates: The Science Behind Virtue Signaling

America continues to march in lockstep with the COVID-19 agenda as they have yet to throw off their masks and demand an end to the insidiousness of mask mandates and forced lockdowns. While there is a growing segment of the population who refuse to comply, most people, no doubt influenced by the constant fear messaging … Read more


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