Gun Violence as a Public Health Issue: Understanding Thematic Framing and how Conservative focus on Mental Health Contributes to the Problem

  Gun owners have their work cut out for them. Despite recent Supreme Court rulings that seem to tip the balance in our favor, the push for gun control is relentless and is alarmingly taking on a more aggressive demeanor. Hints at all-out confiscation are being heard as freedom, according to our so-called vice president, … Read more

Robust Skepticism: Understanding Propaganda and Persuasion

It has been a couple of weeks since I have written anything. I needed some time to sit back and reflect on what impact, if any, my writing was having on readers. Writing is just like anything else. People want to feel as if there is a payoff in their efforts. My writing has generally … Read more

Feminism: A Self-Destructive Movement that Needs to go Away

  If there is one thing I despise above all else, it is the feminist movement. No, it isn’t because I am a male chauvinist pig who thinks women exist to please men, and the women’s liberation movement gave them too much power. (Well, I might be a little chauvinist.) Feminism destroyed the nuclear family, … Read more

Analyzing the Conspiracy: Aliens, The Second Amendment and REX84 Internment Camps

This morning I decided to take a break from the usual and return to my roots. Good old conspiracy theories. I tried to bring a little entertainment to this while also addressing the reality of disinformation, and the fact that there is always some level of truth to a conspiracy theory. Enjoy.    The past … Read more

Psychology in Public School: From John Dewey to Brock Chisholm

It is hard to describe what I am feeling. I watch the news, and the created perception that somehow Biden is going to be held accountable for having classified documents in his possession, and all I can think is that we are somehow being mocked. Our media masters, after all, have admitted to us in … Read more

Operant Conditioning and the Purpose of Public Schooling

  This year started with a bang. The nation was treated to yet another circus sideshow which was portrayed as a vote for the new house speaker. The joke was truly on us as twenty republicans were shown holding out in a fight against McCarthy becoming speaker, only in the end, to see him win … Read more

Understanding the Tenets Driving Critical Race Research in Medicine

    Last week, Fox News ran a story about Critical Race Theory being a part of the curriculum in several of the nation’s top medical schools. This is not surprising, as CRT itself is a theoretical research model used to examine the so-called – structural systems of discrimination – which oppress minorities in America. … Read more

Critical Theory as the Basic Framework for CRT. A Preview of My Upcoming Book.

The following is a little taste of my upcoming book on Critical Race Theory. Chapter One focuses exclusively on the origins and applications of Critical Theory itself. It is, in my opinion, essential that people understand that the basic precepts of Critical Theory are unstoppable. The state of Florida, for example, has banned the use … Read more

The Communist Peace Offensive: The Efforts to Deceive America Must Not be Underestimated

Until Americans wake up and make the decision to cast aside this monstrosity of illegitimate government that was never meant to be, things will never change. While we are facing many problems which need our dire attention; inflation, higher fuel prices, and a government that uses behavioral manipulation through the media to control our thoughts … Read more

Catchphrases, Cliches and Slogans: Guiding our Thoughts and Opinions Using Reflexive Theory

Is America being split along ideological and political lines, or are people allowing themselves to be divided by clever propagandists who know our habits, attitudes, and beliefs? The political elite is without a doubt, employing the divide-and-conquer strategy, as social issues which have traditionally defined American values are presented as problematic, and a hindrance to … Read more


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